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Benefits of Skipping
Children are naturally energetic, but without encouragement they can become inactive. Today many
children spend more and more time sitting – in class, using the computer or watching TV.  As a result, more than half of Canadian children aren’t active enough for optimal health and development.

Skipping is an efficient and effective way to get a great workout in just 15-20 minutes.

Here are a few of the benefits of skipping:

- helps to improve heart rate and blood pressure
- provides a full body workout:  core, legs, glutes, shoulders and arms 
- improves flexibility, coordination and balance
- improves muscle tone in both the lower and upper body
- assists with weight loss
- it’s low cost and can be done anywhere
- and, it’s FUN!

Skipping is for everybody – young and old! Skipping is often overlooked, yet provides one of the easiest and most effective cardio workouts possible. It is used by boxers, and lots of other athletes like
