Dear Parents We have started our gymnastics unit in our regularly scheduled gym classes. This unit will run until the end of March. Safety procedures are being carefully covered with each class. While students in elementary school are not expected to change their clothing for gym, I do talk to them about being dressed in preparation to participate. Please consider the following when sending your child to school: • Clothing that allows freedom of movement (no special uniforms or outfits are required – sweats and a t-shirt work best). • Loose fitting/baggy clothing may get caught on equipment when climbing. • Tucking shirts in may help to prevent an accident. • All jewelry that could get caught on equipment should be removed (left in classrooms or left at home). e.g. watches, rings, necklaces, etc... • Students with long hair should have their hair tied back. Tying hair back with elastics is recommended. • Students may wear shorts under clothing if they wish. • Students ...
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